It is way too tempting to continue the discussion of slang.  Honestly it is yet another opportunity for me to use some of the words in sentences.  Hopefully they will make sense and you will see how you can also use the terms going forward.  This exercise is designed to not just introduce the terms, but to help you get familiar with them and begin to use them in your everyday lives.  Well that is if your everyday life is weird and you like communicating with teenagers on a regular basis.

Do you think there is much of a chance that your children or grandchildren will think of you as the “GOAT” when it comes to being a Grand Parent?  I honestly doubt it.  They may think of you as “Salty” and that wouldn’t be good.   “TBH” some of this slang may be “Cheugy” soon.  “Bruh” you need to  stop using these words…”Periodt”.  You may “Requestion” why you are now using many of these terms.  Frankly this is just a new way for you to “Flex” and become “Extra” when you go “Gucci” clearly you “Slay” the entire essence of cool.  It’s “Mittens” to me when you try to use some of this slang and in some ways “Yeet” in the grand scheme of things.  If I did go to a “Rager” I might get “Turnt”…which would not be cool or I could even become  “Crunk” or “Crashy”.  That would set a very bad example for your “Squad”.  I imagine that they would “Throw shade”.  I can see them being “Shook” because you would be “Sus” from that day forward “No cap”.

I am done with slang.  This is starting to get annoying.  I promise to choose my words carefully from now on.  Even though it might take a bit longer to type all the words when sending texts I think that I am willing to sacrifice cool for better communication.  I don’t want any incorrect interpretation of what my intentions are.  I am afraid that my awkwardness in using the slang may cause me some problems.  You can make your own decision on the subject.  I want to offer one additional point.  I did leave out some of the slang words that I used in Slang Two and Slang Three.  If you need those definitions just let me know or look them up on the internet.  Have an exceptional day!!  In the future it may not be slang free and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  Be cool, be hip and don’t mention your source for all this slang stuff.  I would like to remain anonymous.  Its like anything that’s new or unfamiliar…your grand children will probably immediately identify you as a “noob”.  Don’t let that discourage you…press on.  They have to give you some credit for trying.  Start slow…just use a few terms in the beginning.  Like anything, practice and repetition will make this all come easier.  What are the risks…really?  The fact that you are making the effort may be enough.  They will love you no matter how this goes.  If nothing else you may open a door to better and more frequent communication with your children or grandchildren and that is definitely a good thing.

Think about the way things go at the present time.  You are in a gathering with your children and grand children.  Everyone is on their phone.  No one is actually talking to each other.  How can you break through?  What could make your children or grand children want to communicate with you?  Try sending them a text with some of these slang words or acronymns.  First of all I guarantee they will see and read your text.  What’s next?  They won’t ignore your text.  At a minimum they will answer your text and it could be with slang.  OMG…what an opportunity,  because now you might actually know what they are saying in their response which will allow you to look really stupid or really amazing.  Hey a line of communication is now open…what a wonderful thing!!  Suddenly they will view you differently…they will now think of you in a much different way.  This will change everything…you may suddenly be the center of their communicating world…they may start thinking of you as a BFF or their BAE.  (Forget what I just suggested…none of that is likely to happen.  The fact that they acknowledged and responded to your text is going to have to be enough.  Let’s just leave it at that.  Keep your expectations in check.  Slow your roll.  You have to admit that it might be a fun exercise to see what happens.  Risks are low…a little could go a long way.  It will give them something to share with their “Squad” or “Posse”.  I want to wish you all the best for staying with me on this subject and I hope you will try this texting exercise the next time you are with your children or grand children.  Please let me know how it goes.   The worst that can happen is that they think of you as a “Tool”.

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