The other day I watched the new movie FREE GUY with Ryan Reynolds. This is not an endorsement of that movie…I mostly wouldn’t recommend the movie, but there were some points that were made that I thought might be worth repeating. Free Guy is actually in a video game. He is the nicest Guy in the world. He gets up every morning…says hello to his gold fish, gets a cup of coffee…the same one everyday. Says hello to the policeman who is also always at the coffee shop, meets his friend who is a security guard at the bank he works at. Goes to the bank. Everyday the bank is robbed and he is on the ground with his security guard friend every day. The thing is that nothing really changes his disposition. I mean he is told under threat of death that he needs to stay down and not be a hero and he does that and then moves on. He wishes people not a good day but a GREAT DAY!!. It made me think how each of us could change our day by instead of wishing people a good day…we could amend that and say have a GREAT DAY!! I have decided to change that one little word when I am seeing other people or am at the check out counter or whatever. When I pass people on my daily walk. It costs me nothing. It might make me feel a little better about life and maybe would cause the other people to appreciate their lives a little more. At the end of the day all we have is today and the days to come. No reason to get down. No reason to get too hung up on all the bad things that are happening in the world. You really can’t change any of that anyway so why not make the decision to spread a little sunshine and be like FREE GUY and start wishing people a GREAT DAY!! I have been trying to think of the down side of doing this. I can’t really think of any. People might think…what is up with that guy? Why is he so positive? Why is he spreading cheer for no apparent reason. I am willing to accept those thoughts from others. I think it will make me feel better and that may also impact others that I come in contact with. Have a GREAT DAY…each and every one of you.