Camping and Campfires were a huge part of our kids growing up.  They both became a very important part of the grand kids growing up as well.  I want to share three more campfire songs that we would enjoy at virtually all campfires.   

The first two I previously mentioned were the Donut Song and My Bonny.   

The next three are:   

The Itsy-Bitsy Spider 

The itsy-bitsy spider ran up the water spout, 

Down came the rain and washed the spider out,  

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, 

So the Itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.   

Deep and Wide 

This one incorporates singing and hand movements.   

The song goes like this:   

Deep and Wide, Deep and Wide 

There’s a River Flowing  

Deep and Wide 

Deep and Wide, Deep and Wide  

There’s a River Flowing Deep and Wide 

Here is what you do.   

  1. Your hands go up and down for deep, they then go side to side for wide 
  2. The hands make motion like a river for the river flowing  
  3. Then its back to hands up and down for deep and side to side for wide 
  4. You repeat all this in the second verse.   
  5. Then you only do the hand motion for deep and don’t say deep then say wide with the hand motion.  You only stay silent the first time on deep 
  6. The next time through you are silent on both deep and wide 
  7. The third time through you are silent on everything including the river flowing 
  8. Makes for fun.  Simple and fun. 

Father Abraham 

This one for me is the most fun.  The song goes like this: 

Father Abraham had seven sons to serve, seven sons had Father Abraham, 

And they never laughed and they never died, they always went like this  

With their right hand…and you start waving your right hand 

Repeat the chorus from the beginning and get to with their left hand and waive their left hand 

Repeat the chorus and add with their right foot and move the right foot 

Repeat the chorus and add the left foot which means you are now doing a jumping jack with all feet and arms included. 

Repeat the chorus and add the head, which you now move along with the jumping jack motion 

Repeat the chorus and add the tongue, which you now move in and out along with the jumping jack motion and the head 

Finally repeat the chorus and add the sound of trying to talk, while doing the jumping jacks, the head, the tongue 

It gets pretty ridiculous and very hard to do but can be a lot of fun.   

I am going to stop with these final three.  There were more but doing all five of these makes for a great night around the campfire.  Happy Camping to all.  



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