One of the great things that we did during high school was have hay rides at Eberly Farm.  What an incredible experience.  Eberly Farm was this great place in the country.  It was located on the banks of the Arkansas River.  On Friday or Saturday nights, mostly Friday nights we would go to the farm.  Usually with a date.  They had these big wagons that were pulled by tractors.  The wagons were filled with hay and bales of hay.  We would organize big groups and meet at the farm.  They would put us on these wagons and take us to a place next to the river.  These were clearings that were mostly surrounded by stalks of corn and right in the middle was a huge prepared bon fire.  We would bundle up, huddle together on those wagons, sing songs, watch the stars and the moon and get off at the designated site.  I don’t know how many of these clearings there were but I am going to guess maybe 10.  Once they dropped you off, they would start the fire.  These things were huge and seemed like they burned all night.  Actually, we were probably there for only a couple of hours before they came back to pick us up.  I don’t remember how food was handled.  I am thinking that food was something that you needed to make arrangements for prior to going on the hay ride.  No matter.  There was no better way to spend a Friday night than going on a hay ride with your friends and girlfriends.  We would sing campfire songs and enjoy each other.  Usually there was plenty of sodas to drink… no alcohol.  They would come back and pick us up and take us back to the main farmhouse.  After we left many of us would end up at Kings X for a 5 Star Breakfast and end the evening solving the worlds problems.   

I think it is interesting.  When North High organized the 50-year reunion for the class of 1963 one of the events that was planned was a hay ride at Eberly Farm.  Can you imagine.  After 50 years they are still taking people out to those sites along the river to enjoy a good time under the stars next to a roaring fire.  Some things are just worth keeping alive. I didn’t make it to that reunion but I heard they are planning a 55-year reunion.  I am hoping to go to that one and maybe will get to go once again on a Hay Ride at Eberly Farm.  It would be a wonderful thing to do.  I just did the math and I believe I missed the 55-year reunion or maybe they didn’t have one.  Oh my god, I think I am beginning to show my age.  I still think that I would want to go to Eberly Farm at some future reunion, maybe 60-year.  If anyone is still alive.   

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