I guess the more I think about “the count” the more anomalies I uncover. One of these is if a Prime Truck is going the same way you are and is in front of you and you are unable to pass him. Technically you saw the Prime Truck but because you couldn’t pass him, is it ok to add that truck to the count or not. I have decided that unless you actually pass him you cannot add that truck to the count. This also raises the question….what if you pass him then subsequently he passes you and then you are unable to pass him. You added him to the count when you passed him, but using my theory you would subtract him from the count when he passed you and it would remain that way unless you were able to pass him again. To add another layer, while you are dealing with this issue there are still Prime Trucks going the other way and if you spend too much time on this particular situation you run the risk of missing one going the other way.
Other things that I count include train cars, especially those trains carrying a lot of containers. All of those containers become the trailers being pulled by a tractor and are then a semi. I like to add up the containers on a train and then project the number of semi’s they will become before they finally arrive at their destinations. Finally, do you think that drivers of Prime Trucks consider the fact that they are part of “the count”. Or that they are somehow involved in a competitive situation vs Walmart Trucks or as in a previous article Estenson trucks. Would knowing this have any impact on them or do they not care. I know that I am not being counted, or at least I don’t think so, and that anonymity gives me comfort. Who really wants to be counted or become part of “the count”. Enough on the count for now. I do want to share that the other day I was counting Prime Trucks and all I saw were Walmart Trucks. I actually was getting upset because I passed 6 Walmart trucks before I saw the first Prime Truck. The good news is that before the trip was over I had counted 6 Prime Trucks so when the trip ended it was a tie between Prime Trucks and Walmart trucks. Whew! I do think that it is important that you are prepared when you set out on a trip, you must be ready for “the count”. I think you must realize that it is possible you may encounter your first Prime Truck immediately upon entering the freeway. Be ready for that eventuality, you don’t want to get caught off guard. I think simply establishing a state of mind that says…I am taking this trip, I will encounter Prime Trucks and I may see one very early on. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t pass one right away, know that it will all work out and that, in time, the number of Prime Trucks will be equal to or greater than any of the competition.
I cannot finish this article without mentioning a new anomaly. On Sunday I was running an errand with my son. We were on the freeway for only about 10 minutes. As we entered there was a Prime Truck. Before we left the freeway I had counted 3 more. Incredible. I was sorry that the trip was so short because clearly there were many Prime Trucks on the freeway that day. On the way back we passed a Prime Truck that I had never seen before. It was white with the words Amazon Prime on the truck and a large picture of that Amazon Tape used on their boxes. I have no idea about this particular truck profile. Clearly there are more options than I had previously seen. Whatever, I gave it one point and moved on. Now I have to watch for 4 different color profiles…the plot thickens.
Is It Safe To Change Lanes?
When the kids were growing up, we would be on the road. At that time, we didn’t have all of the current technology. The one thing that I love today is a light that comes on in your side view mirrors that tells you there is a vehicle in that “blind spot” so you know not to change lanes until the light goes out. This is one of the greatest advancements for safety ever. I am referring to a time when that simply did not exist. As we are driving, I would ask the kids if it was ok to change lanes? Was it clear? Were there any cars? They would answer that it was safe…no cars. I would say great and begin to change lanes. The joke was that they would say…” no cars… just a semi”. Very funny kids. That became a consistent joke when we were on a trip somewhere. When I would ask, they would say that there are no cars… just a semi. That actually is only funny once. I then had to ask an additional question…any cars… answer… yes or no…. any semi’s… answer… yes or no. Funny kids… a laugh riot… they never seemed to tire of the joke. We never collided with a semi so they did, in spite of the joke, make sure that I didn’t enter the lane shared by a semi-truck. We actually refer back to that little joke as adults. Maybe they used it in some form when they were raising their children. We had fun with the joke…I guess in some ways it falls into the same category as “Eggs, the way you like them”. How could that still be funny, or 42 days to die of starvation, or kids dying of hunger in Ethiopia… just a few tidbits of little jokes from days gone by.