I was thinking today about our amazing language. The English language is so complex, and in many ways, simple at the same time. The way we speak in our everyday communication can easily be misinterpreted. My example has to do with putting the emphasis on different words which can have the effect of changing the entire meaning of a statement. Let us use a simple statement and dissect this statement and put the emphasis on different words and see what happens.
I didn’t say she stole the money.” Simple and straight forward… right? Not so fast.
I didn’t say he stole the money. It was Bill, Ken and Sherry that said it not me.
I didn’t say she stole the money. I wrote it down but I didn’t say it.
I didn’t say he stole the money. It was probably someone else not her.
I didn’t say she stole the money. She could have borrowed it.
I didn’t say he stole the money. There were shoes, electronics and jewelry missing but no money.
Again, I find it interesting how by simply emphasizing a different word it can change the entire meaning of a very simple statement. Enjoy your day and be careful that you emphasize the right word to communicate what you mean.